Wholesaler, OEM

  • Certified
  • Save up to 90% on time and costs
  • Integrate seamlessly with other business software

User-friendly software for every wholesaler.

Use our solar design software to improve the client experience and operations.


Deliver pinpoint-accurate prices and efficient service in a competitive market with Quickr. Generate quotes and respond to inquiries rapidly, eliminating the need to switch between programs.

Quickr empowers detailed communication.

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Quickr can assist you with:

Sustainability PartnerĀ 
Effortlessly help clients in their request for sustainability and reach them more effectively.

Efficiency Optimization
Effective communication with clients is possible because of solar panel software.

Flexible API
Seamless interaction with current systems eliminates the need to move between apps.

Maximize Customer Service
Assistance provided quickly and specifically.

Did you know?

Quickr is acknowledged as the best-of-breed software in the solar sector!

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